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Want more from your sales team? Give them all the information – with Dynamics 365

  • 6 Jun 2023
  • 4 minuty čtení

Sales, higher profits, continuous growth are not the only goals of most sales departments. Technology has gotten to the point where it can influence and help them achieve this. In fact, artificial intelligence, natural language processing and conversational intelligence are becoming increasingly capable helpers.

Facts put into a broad context

The sales process tends to be "simple". It probably starts with the acquisition and qualification of contacts and continues through a series of communication efforts, nurturing and proactivity until the business is closed. But recent years have changed the style of decision making. Time is more precious and the very first contact often plays a key role. With Dynamics 365, no effort need be wasted as it provides a broad view and connects the dots. How specifically?

1. It helps to track and personalise conversations

You communicate differently with long-term customers than you do with those who have yet to become customers. As a time-saver, you'll appreciate the ability to define goals for each stage of the sales journey and set rules to automatically move customers from one stage to the next. Just take a look and you'll know right away.

2. Advice on what to talk about

Innovation and technological advances in practice. Artificial intelligence can recommend topics to talk about, product and pricing details, as well as give you information regarding competitors. There's no need for lengthy preparation. The tool sets everything up and you use it conveniently.

3. Works with other enterprise applications

Dynamics 365 is all about integration. It's what saves time and allows you to send quotes, requests and emails in a snap with Office 365 templates, for example. Isn't that obvious? Getting the individual solutions and workflows right is key. We'll help you connect everything and get the most out of the technology.

4. Creates live sales dashboards

Proper timing is important. That's why Dynamics 365 Sales displays sales dashboards in real time. Its interface is clear and simple to read, so it's easy to use even when dealing with customers. It displays statistics, graphs, visualisations of your KPIs – in short, what you need.

5. Enables better understanding

Dynamics 365 can assess sentiment, but most importantly it can work with accurate data. Relevant reports not only help you better interpret needs, but also anticipate potential problems. An automated scoring strategy is also a benefit. This culminates in a competitive advantage that strengthens loyalty.

6. Gives insight through social networks

Prompt response records to new sales opportunities. With Dynamics 365 Sales and Social Listening integration, you can listen to what your potential customers and existing clients are saying about your brand. Strike up conversations quickly and show what a proper pro-customer approach looks like!

7. Monitor activity

Phone calls, webinars, business lunches... There are many types of events to communicate with your clients. Dynamics 365 allows you to organise everything and track and evaluate success – planning, execution and follow-up. Again, in real time and always available.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says every business function, from sales and marketing to customer support and supply chain, needs to be redesigned for a world of AI and collaboration. Dynamics 365 will enable your sales teams to keep up with the most advanced currently available technologies and stay ahead of the competition.