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The Czech localization of Dynamics 365 Finance Czech Republic is managed directly by Microsoft. Seyfor complements the localization with other applications that facilitate the work of the system users.


What does the standard localization offer?

Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets

VAT reporting

VAT reporting

Intrastat declaration

Intrastat declaration

Summary reporting (EU)

Summary reporting (EU)

Credit note for cash discount

Credit note for cash discount

Distribution of periods in periodicals

Distribution of periods in periodicals

Signing users of printed forms

Signing users of printed forms

Adaptation of units and sub-units of currency

Adaptation of units and sub-units of currency

Designation of bank symbols for bank accounts

Designation of bank symbols for bank accounts

Annual closing date

Annual closing date

Other means

Other means

Our own applications enriching Microsoft localization

What else does our localization app include?

  • Basic package in the area of Czech legislation (6 areas of improvement)
  • Legislative tools (4 areas of improvement)
  • Banking operations (3 areas of improvement, 5 banks)
  • Reporting (9 reports)

What else does our localization app include?

  • Basic package in the area of Czech legislation (6 areas of improvement)
  • Legislative tools (4 areas of improvement)
  • Banking operations (3 areas of improvement, 5 banks)
  • Reporting (9 reports)

Czech localization detailed description of downloadable applications

Detailed description of Czech localization applications for download

Contacts us

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For more information on data protection and your rights, please click here.