Cloudová platforma Azure zahrnuje přes 200 produktů a služeb navržených tak, aby vám
maximálně pomohly čelit výzvám digitálního světa. Platforma umožňuje vytvářet, spravovat a
provozovat aplikace v cloudovém, hybridním i on-premise prostředí.
Platforma Azure díky prověřeným kombinacím produktů a služeb pokrývá potřeby celé řady
odvětví, a je široce využívána IT partnery k implementaci předem připravených či vlastních řešení.
Díky podpoře open-source technologií a flexibilním možnostem financování se Azure pružně
přizpůsobí potřebám každé firmy, zatímco nejvyšší standardy zabezpečení poskytují uživatelům
potřebnou jistotu co do legislativních nároků i datové bezpečnosti.
Zabezpečte vaše data s pomocí týmu zkušených odborníků.
Nabízíme řešení pro zájemce o cloudové, hybridní i on-premise platformy.
Azure poskytuje možnost volného vývoje aplikací díky podpoře open-source a řady jazyků.
Využijte průběžné inovace Microsoftu a uveďte v realitu své produktové vize budoucnosti.
S Azure získáte vše potřebné pro úspěch vašeho byznysu. Díky své
škálovatelnosti, nákladové úspornosti, využití dosavadních investic a široké nabídce nástrojů
se můžete do práci na aplikacích pustit ihned.
As the only cloud solution on the market, Azure is fully consistent. Azure additionally offers more flexible purchase plans, savings from leveraging existing licences and free enhanced security updates. As a result Azure is up to five times cheaper to purchase and operate than the nearest comparable competitor without compromising on performance or security.
Azure is not limited to Windows applications and services. With support for open-source technologies and a large number of programming languages, you can run applications developed with Azure on virtually any device and use your own operating systems or data sources.
One of the biggest advantages of the platform is that you only pay for the services you actually use. Combined with flexible purchasing options (e.g. Discounted Hybrid Usage) covering all cloud usage scenarios, you can choose the best solution for your business' capabilities and needs.
Security is the foundation of Azure. Microsoft places high demands on trust, transparency and compliance with all standards and relevant regulations during development. Azure users have in practice integrated multi-layered controls and intelligent threat analysis to protect data from a wide range of threats and vulnerabilities.
With a proven combination of cloud products and services, Azure can help you no matter what industry you're in and has been successfully used by companies and organisations in manufacturing, finance, healthcare, energy, retail and government.
Thousands of companies around the world, including globally known brands, have placed their trust in the platform. Domestically, Azure is used by O2, Česká spořitelna and the National Agency for Communication and Information Technology (NAKIT), while 95% of Fortune 500 companies use Azure internationally.
As a certified Microsoft Gold Partner, we use Azure to deploy, manage and support existing user solutions. In addition, we also offer our own Azure-based platforms. If you have any questions about how to use Azure, please do not hesitate to contact us.
A comprehensive and advanced solution with fast implementation. It can help with everything a larger company needs to facilitate its digital transformation. Benefit from AI features and native integration with Microsoft's extensive tools.
Robust ERP for companies with demanding financial processes or very advanced manufacturing and logic processes.
Accelerate your sales process with Microsoft's flagship CRM, one of the world's most widely used and popular CRM systems.
Faster and more efficient customer support through process automation and great customisation options.
Improve and optimize the work of your field staff with Dynamics 365 Field Service - a modern solution for managing and scheduling field service.
A modern application that unifies project management, financial team management, resource and sales management into one clear interface.
Thanks to the modern low-code Power platform, we can handle any project according to our customers' wishes at a fraction of the cost of traditional coding. This platform is taking the world by storm with its simplicity, low development and licensing costs, and of course, customizable solutions for businesses of all sizes.
Streamline your business processes with an open and flexible application that we deploy in minutes. With Croma Sales CRM software, you control the management, verification and reporting of sales contacts, companies and their branches in one place. The application is built on the Microsoft Power Platform and is a lightweight alternative to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
A simple and easy-to-understand tool for HR managers that covers all important areas of the HR department. CROMA HR offers solutions for managing employee and freelancer contracts, training, medical examinations, attendance and many other functions. The application is built on the Microsoft Power Platform and is a lightweight alternative to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources.